If you have multiple locations, you may be consider separating out your statistics so that you can view statistics for each location separately. There are two methods that we offer for this.
Method 1
Step 1: Create Your Stats
Make a set of stats for each practice. To do this, go to "statistics" under "graphing", then select "add stat".
Fill in at least the basic settings for your stat. Be sure to include the name of the practice that these stats are for. In this example, I am recording gross income, so I have chosen to have two decimals and include a dollar sign before the values. If you are recording a value such as number of patients, you can change the number of decimals to 0 so that you always have a whole number. After you have filled this out, click "save and enter values".
A table like the one shown below will open. Enter your values into the table and then select "save". Repeat this first step for all statistics for each location.
Step 2: Create Your Stat Groups
To create a stat group, you should go to "Stat Groups" under "Graphing". Then, select "Create New".
The following page will open, fill in the name, then select time period, and who the group should be visible to. A new screen will open with the option to choose stats to assign to the group. Assign these stats by dragging them from the "choose" category to the "assign stat" category. Repeat Step 2 for each location.
Step 3: Limit What Stats Staff Members Can See (Optional)
If you want staff to only have access to statistics from their own location, you can do this by making them "limited users" and then sharing the stats and groups they should be able to see with them. To do this, you should first go to "Users" under "More". Click on the wrench to edit the users preferences.
Clicking the wrench will take you to the user edit page. To change the user to a limited consultant, deselect all access level options besides "limited consultant" as shown below.
Now to assign statistics and stat groups to this user, you will go to back to "Stat Groups" under "More". Then select the wrench for the stat group you would like to share.
The page below will open, select the "share" button. The screen that opens allows you to select what you would like the user to be able to do with each stat. Select your preferences and then select "share". Now the user you have shared the stats with will have access as you have selected.
This method also allows you to graph or make calculations using statistics from multiple locations. If you wanted to see how the gross income of each location compares, you can put them all on the same graph. For help with graphing multiple statistics, go to this link:
You can also create calculations to combine statistics and graph them. This can be useful if you want to see the combines gross income of all of your locations or how many total patients are being seen. For help with creating a calculation, go to this link: https://usemystats.freshdesk.com/solution/articles/8000043668-stat-calculations-basic
Method 2
The other option is to create separate UseMyStats accounts for each practice. The main issues with this are:
- It is more expensive as you have to pay for an individual UseMyStats account for each practice.
- Owners need to use a separate email for each account.
- You cannot add the stats together.
Some people prefer this option because they prefer to have each location and it's statistics separated off, but most prefer method #1.