Here is the statistic settings page, accessed from the menu through “More”, then “Statistics”.
To add a new statistic, click the “Add Stat” button.
Only the basic settings are required - stat name, frequency of reporting, and number of decimals. Below that, advanced settings are optional but provide the power to customize your statistic in almost any fashion. Open the advanced settings with the downward arrow to the right.
The full advanced settings now display below.
Beginning with the section to the upper left:
Owner: The owner is the person with rights to edit the statistic. Most often this is the person actually doing the work reported but not always. For example the statistic could be # of surgeries done by the doctor in the practice but reported by the office personnel. In this case, the office personnel should be marked as “owner” so they can edit the stat as needed.
Who Enters: The person who actually enters the values. This does not allow them to edit the statistic and settings. If you’ve selected to have the nudge email sent out above, it goes to this user. Often this is the same as the owner but not always. For example in a practice with several office personnel the office manager may be the owner with permissions to edit the statistic, but the secretary may be the one who actually enters # of appointments.
Values: This is where you set how the values will be entered for your statistic. If someone will be manually typing the values in, leave this option as “By Hand”. Otherwise, your other choices are covered below. After changing the dropdown box, click the “Set Up Data” button and you’ll be directed to a new page to set up the information needed based on your selection. For more information on each option, click the links below.
Calculation: A calculation allows you to combine two or more statistics, or run a math formula to automatically enter the values. For example, the “Net Income” statistic could be entered by calculation - setting Gross Income minus Gross Expenses on this page. When both stats are entered, the system will automatically run the calculation and enter the value for Net Income. Click the link here for instructions to set up a calculation.
Integration: An integration allows you to pull information from other systems you’re already using and have the values automatically entered to UseMyStats. We offer integrations to Google Analytics, QuickBooks, Dentrix, Infusionsoft, mailgun, and many more. Click the link here for more information about our integrations.
Time Lumping / Accruing: Use time lumping to gather up a statistic over time and use the result as the value for your new stat. For example, accumulate the daily donuts sold to have the system automatically enter weekly or monthly donuts sold. Click the link here for instructions to set up an accruing stat.
Combo Graph: A combo graph allows you to set up a statistic where the graph will automatically show two or more lines from other statistics. For example, you can set this to display Gross Income and Gross Expenses on the same graph, titling the statistic “Net Income”. This is different from the Calculation above where as a combo graph you will see both lines. As a calculation, you will see one line with the calculated number. Click the link here for instructions to set up a combo graph.
Now let's move on to the section to the upper right:
- Who Can See It: Should this statistic be accessible only to the owner or to all users? Setting this to “Company-wide” allows all users to see the statistic in their groups and view the graph. It does not allow them to edit or enter values unless their user permissions are set to allow that. “Just Me” removes the statistic from all other users’ view. You then have the ability to selectively share the stat to your company’s “admin” users, allowing them to enter values and edit the settings.
- Nudge: If the statistic hasn’t been entered when expected, do you want a reminder email sent? The recipient just has to reply to the email with the correct values and it will be entered to the system automatically.
- Days Before Nudging: How many days after the statistic is due to be reported do you want the email to be sent? For example, if the statistic should be reported on Friday and you have entered 3 here, the reminder email will be sent on Monday.
- Quotas: All of the above options for how a statistical value is entered are available for entering quotas as well. It works identically, but applies to the target or quota, not the entered values.
Next we’ll cover the options in the middle.
- Custom Scale: Our system automatically scales each graph for you from the lowest to the highest value over the time you’re viewing. It’s very rare that you may need to use the custom scale function, but on occasion you may want to override the automatic scaling. For example, let’s say a new coffee shop just opened up and needs to be selling over 1000 donuts per day to break even. In this case you may want to set the top value of the custom scale to 1000. Then even if the coffee shop sells a record high of 325 donuts it’s clear on the graph where this value is in relation to where it needs to be.
- Type: How do you want the values to be handled when viewing the graph on a different interval from how the values are entered? For example, on the weekly donuts sold statistic, when you change the graph to view monthly intervals, you would likely want each weekly value added to the last so you get a total amount sold for that month. This would be different for a % of cancelled appointments statistic. In that case it would make more sense to average the % of canceled appointments over the month for an accurate value. You can also choose to simply display the last value entered on the smaller time period. This would make sense for a statistic such as bank account balance where you don’t want to see the fluctuations over time, just where the final value was.
- Add to Group: This is where you can select a group to add this stat to.
Now we will cover the bottom left.
Auto-select this time period when graphing: When you graph this statistic, should it automatically default to display at the interval that values are entered? This will override whatever settings you may have on the graphing page.
Upside Down Graph: On this statistic, is a lower value actually an improvement? This is used on statistics such as debt owing.
Automatically Show Quotas: When you graph this statistic, should the quotas automatically display on the graph? This will override whatever settings you may have on the graphing page.
Automatically Overlay Previous Year: When you graph this statistic, should the values from last year automatically display on the graph? This will override whatever settings you may have on the graphing page.
Accumulate Graphs using Aggregate: This setting allows you to add each value to the one prior so the line displays a sum total, not individual values. For example, if you’ve sold 5 donuts followed by 6 donuts, this setting will display 5 and then 11 on the graph.
Here we will cover the bottom right.

- Add to Group: This is where you can select a group to add this stat to.
- Stat Definition: This is where you can enter exactly what this statistic is, how it’s counted, additional information, etc.
- Non-Viable Threshold: This allows you to set a limit for where the statistic should never go below. A shaded pink area will display on the graph below this range for clear visual indication that the line should not dip into that region
- Non-Viable Notification Email Address: If a value is entered below the non-viable threshold, who should be emailed to let them know?
That covers all the advanced settings options. You now have the option to save the statistic, or save and go directly to the values entry page.